Monday, January 18, 2010


I think I am a committed person. I have had the same wonderful bride for almost 35 years. I have had only two real jobs in my 30 plus years of working life (US Army and Delivery Service.) I have been a Christian since I was 12 years old. There are other things to which I am committed.

But . . .

I have been trying to play the guitar for about 40 years, and I still play badly. I have been trying to lose weight for about 20 years, and I only seem to find more. I exercise, but only sporadically. There are other things I want to do, but do not do.

What is the problem? Why can't I commit to all the things I think are important? Maybe the answer is that I really do not think many of them are important. Or, maybe I know which ones are really important, and which ones are just "wants".

Maybe I should re-read my New Year's Resolutions blog. If I set my goals and properly schedule my time, I should be able to accomplish both the "have to's" and "want to's. I will let you know how it goes.

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